The monument, which lies in two separate areas of protection, includes two prehistoric cairns known as Kit Barrows Cairns, located in open moorland on the wide summit of Dunkery Hill. The cairns, which are aligned NNE-SSW are situated on a broad spur which extends to the east of Dunkery Beacon. The centre of each cairn mound has been robbed in antiquity but they survive as near-circular stone banks which enclose a central area of random low stone boulders. The bank of the northernmost cairn is 0.5m high and 24m in diameter and has a depression to the south, which may be a quarry from which stone material was extracted for the construction of the cairn mound. The bank of the southernnmost cairn is 0.6m in height and 12.5m in diameter; it also has a quarry immediately to the south. A recent stone heap has been placed within the bank on the south side of this cairn.
Selected Sources
Book Reference - Title: National Monuments Record - Type: DESC TEXT - Description: SS 94 SW 1
Article Reference - Author: Grinsell, L V - Title: Somerset Barrows - Date: 1969 - Journal Title: Proceedings Somerset Archaaeological & Natural History Society - Volume: 113 - Page References: 30 - Type: DESC TEXT - Description: Cutcombe No 8
Article Reference - Author: Grinsell, L V - Title: Somerset Barrows - Date: 1969 - Journal Title: Proceedings Somerset Archaeological & Natural History Society - Volume: 113 - Page References: 30 - Type: DESC TEXT - Description: Cutcombe No 7