Scheduled Monument: Lanacombe 1: a stone setting and two cairns on the east side of Lanacombe
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Other Ref
Date assigned
27 March 1996
Date last amended
Date revoked
The monument includes a group of 11 standing stones, two recumbent stones, two cairns and the archaeologically sensitive area between and around these features. The site is located on the south east facing slopes of Lanacombe.
The stones are set out in a random manner with a cairn on both the east and north east sides of the site which extends over 0.15ha. The stones are between 300mm and 650mm high, 220mm to 400mm wide and 200mm to 220mm thick. Two of the standing stones have the letters TD inscribed on them and of these the one associated with the cairn on the east side of the setting has, in addition, the number 173 inscribed on its upper surface. These inscriptions post-date the construction and use of the monument. The cairn on the east side of the setting is an irregular shaped feature 4.5m by 2.5m and 200mm high. The second cairn on the north east side of the setting is 3m in diameter and 200mm high. Both cairns are constructed from small to medium sized stones.